Jonathan redden |
The picher ramps |
June 16, 2016 |
i will always remember when Malachi and myself went to the picher ramps and there was this great big dirt bike ramp and I let malachi talk me into going to the top up a hill and riding as fast as I could possibly going as soon as I hit the ramp I knew I had let Malachi talk me into something stupid. Because on the other side of this dirt bike ramp there was a bank of rocks and dirt by then it was to late. I hit this bank of rocks and dirt head first busting my head open and almost knocking myself out. I wanted to cry so bad but I did not want Malachi to think I was a big pussy as I layed there with blood coming out of my head all I could do was laugh at my the what I had done Malachi coming running over to me laughing his ass off and then he proceeds to tell that was the funniest thing that he had ever seen me doing and then he ask me if i was ok and he let me know that he could not beleve that I let him talk me into hitting that ramp because he wouldn't of done it in a million year. he told me that was one of the most stupidest things that I had ever done And one of the coolest thing I've ever done because I had heart and I would doing just about anything Malachi would of ask me to do because I looked up to Malachi he was my hero also because Malachi was my only friend I could truely trust he always had my back when I need it I miss malachi so much when I lost you Malachi it felt like I had been rip apart and I felt so numb to it all. I truly wish I could spend one more day with you because you was my best friend and i will always remember all the crazy things that we did together I thank you Malachi for all of the year that you and I got together
There was this one time. Jonathan, Malachi and myself when we lived in Pittsburg, KS we would use to walk around the railroad tracks and collect rail road spikes and plates and what not. Well it was getting dark and us boys were on the tracks by McDonalds, and we didn't have much money. But we had enough to get a twenty piece of McNuggets. Me and my two brothers split our bounty of nuggets up and had a great time feasting on the fruit of our lawn mowing business. It may be silly to remember, but it's the small things that you would do anything to have back, the small things that you really miss when it's all said and done.
Malachi, I love you brother. We had a lot of great times together, and I wouldn't trade a moment of it.
Malachi was my cousin. I didn't really know the man he had become - life got in the way of that. I do know that I loved him (that Redden blood runs deep). One of the strongest memories I have of him was of that of a babe, when Grampa was still alive. My mom has a picture of Grampa holding Malachi as a baby, and the smile on Grampa's face is priceless.
I miss you cousin. I wish I'd have known you better. I KNOW though, that Grandpa is up there in Heaven, holding you on his lap, just like that picture, and looking down on me, with a new angel at his side, making sure that me and my family are OK.
Love you both. Then and always.
Thank you son for the dream you gave me. In this dream Malachi appear to me and said "hey mom check out my new body." He appeared as he looked in life handsome but he had glow about him, he seem to be happy and peaceful, no more burden no more worries. He was dressed in his white hat, a white shirt and blue jeans. I asked Malachi do you like your new body? He said Yeah mom, SWEET, I can do tricks with this new body check out this one. Then he disappeared. I yelled Malachi where are you, where are you son. Then he reappeared grinning and said, " mom I never left the room I can be in the same room as you and you can see me or I can be there and you can't even see me. Then he said check out this trick and he walked through the wall and back through the wall again. Then he reached out and hugged me and I could feel him even as he felt in the flesh he was warm and full of life. I asked him what heaven was like he replied, "mom your mind can't even phantom how awesome heaven is." I asked where can you go. He said, I can go anywhere except where sin abound. He told me he has a lot of people he has been visiting and he has lot of work to do for the Lord. He said,"mom stop worrying about me and stop yelling for me. I will be there when you need me, but I have other people I have to help to. His last words was, "mom I love you." I felt so much peace while I was in his present but I Knew God needing him as well. Son go with my blessing and do the work the Lord has for you. Sincerely Motherfigure
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